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Criminal Defense Attorney Services

Autrey Law Firm specializes in federal, state and municipal cases in all of North Dakota and Minnesota. We fight hard for you and protect your rights. Our team of experts will work with you and your individual case to build a strong defense. Let us get you back to living your life without stress as quickly as possible. Call us for a free consultation.

Criminal Law


Being convicted of DUI charges can have serious effects on your life. You may face jail time, fines of up to $14,000, depending on how many prior DUI convictions you have on your record, suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, and an increase in your car insurance rates. You need the help of an experienced DUI Attorney.

The goal of our law firm is to obtain the best possible outcome in your case. Sometimes, that will mean enrolling in a treatment program or having an ignition interlock system installed on your car. We explain all of your options and counsel you as to which ones may serve you best. We give personal attention to your case and are dedicated to finding the right solution for you.

Minnesota & North Dakota have tough penalties for drunk driving and a zero-tolerance policy for underage DUI. If you are convicted of DUI charges for the first time, you risk:

The extent and severity of these sanctions depend on the circumstances of your arrest and the amount of alcohol in your blood at the time of the arrest, along with other factors. Having a skilled lawyer on your side can help reduce the severity of the charges or even prevent the charges from going on your record.

We can represent you regardless of where you live in the state. Do not take your freedom or your driving privileges lightly. Hire us to defend your rights.


Defending Your Rights When You Have Been Accused Of Assault

Assault charges and the like can result from something as simple as threatening another person or as serious as committing or attempting to commit an act of violence against an officer of the law or a corrections officer. Frequently, assault charges occur because of misunderstandings or heated emotions. However, they are serious charges and can negatively impact your future if you are convicted.

At the Autrey Law Firm, our attorneys, have handled assault cases and understand the severity of the situation you may be in. They conduct a thorough investigation of your case, review the evidence the police have against you and comparing it to your account of events.

They interview witnesses and obtains video surveillance footage if it is available. All of your options are explained to you in detail, and you are given sound counsel on what may be your best course for the long run. Our goal is to get the best possible outcome for you in your case. Our attorneys are experienced trial lawyers and will take your case to court if that is your best option.


Defending Your Rights When You Have Been Accused Of Assault

Assault charges and the like can result from something as simple as threatening another person or as serious as committing or attempting to commit an act of violence against an officer of the law or a corrections officer. Frequently, assault charges occur because of misunderstandings or heated emotions. However, they are serious charges and can negatively impact your future if you are convicted.

At the Autrey Law Firm, our attorneys, have handled assault cases and understand the severity of the situation you may be in. They conduct a thorough investigation of your case, review the evidence the police have against you and comparing it to your account of events.

They interview witnesses and obtains video surveillance footage if it is available. All of your options are explained to you in detail, and you are given sound counsel on what may be your best course for the long run. Our goal is to get the best possible outcome for you in your case. Our attorneys are experienced trial lawyers and will take your case to court if that is your best option.

Our law firm handles charges for:

In Minnesota and North Dakota, you can receive charges ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony in an assault case. If you are convicted of a felony assault charge, you will be prevented from owning a gun, which includes a hunting rifle. It may also affect your ability to cross the border into Canada.

Penalties for a felony assault conviction may include anywhere from 90 days in jail to up to 20 years in prison and fines ranging from $1,000, to $30,000. These penalties may be enhanced if you have prior convictions, if there was a weapon involved or if the victim incurred substantial bodily harm.

You owe it to yourself to take these charges seriously and get the top-notch representation we offer at the Autrey Law Firm. We don’t settle for the expedient solution, we look for the one that is right for you.

Drug Crimes

Experienced and aggressive drug crime representation from the Autrey Law Firm.

Have you been charged with possession or intent to sell marijuana or a controlled substance? Are you suspected of manufacturing methamphetamines or other drug crimes?

You need an experienced and skilled criminal defense lawyer who has successfully helped others protect their rights and future freedom when accused of a drug crime.

Contact the office of the Autrey Law Firm, defending clients against charges for drug crimes aggressively and passionately for more than 30 years.

We defend individuals who have been charged with felony and misdemeanor drug crimes, including:
We handle cases involving all types of illegal substances, including marijuana, cocaine, crack, heroin, methamphetamines, hallucinogens and prescription drugs.


Defending Your Rights When You Have Been Accused Of Theft

It doesn’t matter if you have been caught shoplifting a candy bar or you have been accused of embezzlement; theft is a serious crime and one that the authorities are doing their best to crack down on. The potential penalties you may face will depend on the value of the property or the amount of money you are accused of stealing. You need an experienced attorney to defend your rights.

The Autrey Law Firm will conduct a thorough investigation of your case. They will review the evidence the police have against you. They obtain any piece of evidence that will be useful in your case, including surveillance footage, financial records and computer hard drives. They look for all possible defenses and will explain the options available to you. If you choose to go to court, our attorneys are experienced trial lawyers and will fight for your rights. Regardless of the severity of your crime, we take the charges against you seriously and work fo the best possible outcome in your case.

Our law firm handles many forms of theft charges, including:
Criminal convictions will show up on any background check. If you are convicted of theft, it ‘ may affect your ability to get a job, especially because accusations of theft tend to lead to mistrust. If you are convicted of felony charges, you will lose the right to own a gun, which includes a hunting rifle. You may also no longer be allowed to cross some international borders, such as the Minnesota and North Dakota border with Canada. A passport application may be denied and a current passport revoked.

Whether you made a mistake or you are being falsely accused, you need to have quality representation to protect your rights and your freedom. Our law firm offers personal attention to you and your case. We are dedicated to finding the solution that is right for you, not just the one that is most expedient.