What is the Difference between Real and Synthetic Identity Theft?

Crimes are categorized into two categories in many states and countries: real and synthetic identity theft. Both crimes are punishable, but synthetic identity theft is hard to trace for law enforcement and auditory bodies because of the various tactics involved in it. If you need to learn about the difference between both types of identity theft and how an Autrey Law Firm can help you, read the post to learn more about the crimes.

What is Real identity theft?

As the name suggests, real identity theft is the theft of a person’s real identity and then using it to do fraudulent activities. This type of theft was prevalent earlier, as it conceals the criminal’s true identity and shows the other individual’s identity.

The thief uses credit card information, social security number, date of birth, and other personal identities of a single person to commit the crime. It makes it hard for law enforcement to detect the real criminal. But as we live in a fast-growing world, the method of this crime has also changed with time. 

About Synthetic identity theft

Identity theft crime has come a long way. Criminals have started using new methods to make detection more difficult for institutions. Unlike real identity theft, in synthetic theft, criminals use the personal information of various individuals to commit a crime. A bit of personal information of every individual to create a fake identity makes the detection next to impossible. The use of synthetic identity theft is growing rapidly among criminals and has been an impetus for criminals to commit crimes.

Process of synthetic identity theft

First, the criminal steals an individual’s social security number (SSN) and creates a fake name. The SSN could be of any individual regardless of their age. The second step is to build a reliable credit history for that identity. The final step is to commit to a credit card from the fake identity. The case will be registered for fraud against the SSN of the person, and the criminals will be safe.

The sole motive of synthetic identity fraud is not only stealing money. Immigrants with no green cards often indulge in this activity to make their bank accounts accessible and get credit cards.

What to do after being accused of the crime?

The consequences of being caught for identity fraud are severe. The punishments are stiff, and the penalty amounts are hefty. Since it is a federal crime, fighting against the charges needs an aggressive approach. So, it is always recommended to consult a professional like Autrey Law Firm for your case. Lawyers have the prowess to get the best result possible for their clients. The accused should never take these charges lightly, as the results will be harsh.

Final words The difference between real and synthetic identity theft must be clear. Consulting Autrey Law Firm is imperative to save yourself from getting into a dire situation. If you ever feel you have become a victim of this fraud, contact us immediately.